For small bags, we have designed a small bag trolley with only 6 arms with a diameter of 25 mm. The trolley is perfect for all bag manufacturers who make clutches or pochettes and need a smaller than standard bag trolley.

The bag trolley is ideal for hanging bags before packing and shipping to the customer. It is space-saving as the trolleys are stacked when not in use thanks to the zeta base and folding arms.


Where does the demand for the small bag trolley come from?

This trolley was demanded by a french leather goods manufacturer, to handle a few bags at a time.

The technical department then developed a customised bag trolley according to the requirements. Starting from the standard model, the dimensions of the trolley and the number and size of the arms were modified.

Like the standard model, the folding arms and zeta base have been maintained to optimise space in the department when the trolley is not in use.


What are the advantages?

The advantages of the special bag trolley are:

  • Small size to handle small bags
  • Only 6 arms available on 2 levels
  • Space-saving thanks to folding arms and zeta base

Materials and dimensions

It is supplied in galvanised steel with the arms painted RAL 9016. On request, it can be made completely galvanised or painted, depending on the needs of each customer.

The dimensions of the customised bag holder are: 77 x 71 x H 160 cm.

The trolley is equipped with 6 arms on two levels, with a diameter of 25 mm and a load capacity of 200 kg. The arms are painted with a smooth finish so as not to mark the placed materials.

Like all ABC trolleys, it is supplied with anti-thread wheels that ensure its smooth handling in the department.

Like the standard model, it can be supplied as an assembly kit with simple instructions in a cardboard box to optimise shipping costs worldwide.


Who is the small bag trolley designed for?

This bag holder is for bag manufacturers who make small bags such as clutches or pochettes and have a small production batch.

The aim is to improve production time by having a better handling of the finished product before shipping to the customer.

Discover the standard model of the bag trolley.

If you also have these needs, choose the small bag trolley.