Once again, this year you will find us at Futurmoda, edition 51 special machinery, in Elche, Alicante, Spain.
The Futurmoda fair is an international trade fair for manufacturers of leather, components and machines for leather goods and footwear. Machine manufacturers are also present in the March edition.

Futurmoda 51 is organised by AEC Ferias. It takes place at the IFA-FIRA ALICANT in Elche, Alicante on 13 and 14 March 2024.
Like last year, we will have our own stand in the machinery area where we will be present with both of our brands: ABC and Perseo.
You will find us near the entrance next to our Spanish dealer Paco Bazan at stand B19.
On our 25 m2 stand we will present the latest innovations of the ABC Equipment & Solutions brands, equipment and solutions for leather goods and footwear such as leather horse trolleys, cabinet for dies or bag trolleys, and Perseo Equipment & Solutions, a custom-built single-tray automatic warehouse.
See you at stand B19 in the machinery area.
Coordinates stand:
Machinery Area
Stand B19
Visiting hours
- Wednesday 13 March from 09am to 6.30pm
- Thursday 14 March from 09am to 6.30pm
IFA, FIRA ALICANT Carretera N-340 km 731 between the cities of Elche and Alicante, near Alicante ‘El Altet’ airport.

Request an appointment at our stand.
Send an email to solutions@abcprato.it or call the operator +39 0574 25723
We look forward to seeing you at the Futurmoda fair at stand B19. Don’t miss it!